Bosvigo School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all pupils, staff, volunteers, visitors and external agencies to share this commitment.
Our Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) is: Mr Chris Wallis
Our Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads (DDSLs) are: Mrs Jo Penrose and Mrs Kim Riggall
Our Safeguarding Governor is: Mr Nick Bailey
If you have any safeguarding concerns, please do not hesitate to contact one of the above regardless of how small or large the issue may feel. Contact information for all named safeguarding staff can be found further down this page.
All staff, including volunteers, are subject to stringent background checks including clearance with the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) to ensure their suitability for working with children.
Our Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy is written with due regard to the Department for Education statutory guidance Keeping Children Safe in Education. You can view our Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy by clicking on the link below and can find all our other safeguarding policies in the Policies section of this website.